Terri Lee Cornell Dowdle
The TLCD Foundation
TLCD foundation was created in honor of the late Terri Lee Cornell Dowdle. She left a legacy of kindness and service to others. The TLCD foundation has many endeavors. The purpose of what we are doing is focusing on the women and children of the world. It is our goal to make a sustainable impact in the Cusco area of Peru. We have done this by becoming friends and partners with the people we love and serve and hope to continue this legacy.
Terri Lee Cornell
Terri Lee Cornell was stricken with a rare form of cancer, astrocytoma, at the age of nine. Located at the base of her brain and the top of her spinal cord, the tumor caused extreme headaches and other neurological problems. She suffered in daily agony for two years until doctors finally diagnosed the problem. After several delicate surgeries and many other procedures the tumor was successfully removed, but not without leaving her with lasting paralysis. Terri’s doctors and parents were thrilled with her prognosis for survival but without a known medical protocol or life plan for her rehabilitation, she was never able to successfully transition out of survival mode. At 53, she succumbed to the very cancer that incapacitated her as a child.
Unfortunately, Terri’s story is common. Children diagnosed with cancer, heart defects, and other severe afflictions, fight for their lives. If and when they survive, they usually face complications and challenges that need to be addressed for the rest of their lives. It is at this juncture that survivors of childhood illness currently lack adequate treatment, education, and a medical strategy to deal with the lasting effects of their ordeal.
The TLCD foundation is at the forefront of increasing awareness, funding, and education to help these children endure the challenges that will inevitably complicate their lives into adulthood.
“After surviving serious childhood illness, life shouldn’t be this hard.”
The foundation’s motto, “Endure to the End” was Terri’s personal mantra for the last several years of her life as she crafted a life and attitude that inspired those around her. Many of her trials could have been circumvented or eliminated by the services and opportunities the foundation she envisioned hopes to provide for every child survivor like herself.
The TLCD Foundation
“Dedicated to all those who struggle with any of life’s challenges.”
“Enduring to the end” is more of an attitude than a destination. It is how we face the challenges placed before us. We cannot allow ourselves to get paralyzed into a stupor of inactivity by our fear, sorrow, or pain. “For God hath not given us
the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.” 2 Timothy 1:7