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About us.

TLCD foundation was created in honor of the late Terri Lee Cornell Dowdle.  She left a legacy of kindness and service to others.  The TLCD foundation has many endeavors. The purpose of what we are doing is focusing on the women and children of the world.  It is our goal to make a sustainable impact in the Cusco area of Peru.  We have done this by becoming friends and partners with the people we love and serve and hope to continue this legacy.

Why LIVE 168?

We named our foundation Live 168 because there are 168 hours in every week. We didn’t name our foundation Live 167 because we have observed that you can’t take off even an hour from your ideals and values without compromising the efficacy of the remaining hours in the week.

Just like in the “parts per million” example, every moment of our lives affects the whole. If you cheat on your spouse, how long does it take before you can call yourself faithful? Or if you lie to your best friend, how many truths do you have to tell to mend the broken trust?

Living 167 is a life of compromise; a rejection of the notion that one hour could make a difference. But you would be wrong. You will find that your brief vacations from your values will end up defining you. Statistically, it won’t seem fair but that is how life is. A 99% eclipse will still blind you just as surely as staring at the sun at noonday. 99.99999% pure water can still kill you. And 167 hours a week won’t give you the life you want.

In case you were wondering, Live 168 isn’t about perfection. It is however, about total commitment. Giving “110%” isn’t just for athletes.

Living 168 hours per week is about striving to live according to who you want to be. It is a way to live life to its fullest.

While trying to further the legacy of Terri Lee Cornell Dowdle we are currently helping in these areas:

Goals of  The LIVE 168 Foundation

1. Create an organization to help “Adult Survivors of Serious Childhood Diseases”.  This has always been our first goal.  As we grow and have more support and resources, we will pursue this with hospitals and other organizations.

2. Improve the medical care in underserved areas for the mothers and babies through out the world. This has been and will continue by empowering  the local healthcare providers with knowledge, skills and resources.

3. Medical Care for those in need. This is done by providing necessary medications, therapies and services. Medical support for all as we live, travel and work through out the world through referrals, consults and urgent care. Medical, health, women’s health, education and discussions. This web site is dedicated to my past patients, team members and colleagues.

4. Educational Scholarships. Through schools and the foundation we are supporting students at BYU-Idaho, Utah State, University of Utah-School of Medicine and BYU-Provo. We have given and will continue to give scholarships directly to students at Idaho State, Boise State, University of Idaho, etc. We eventually would like to have several endowed scholarships.

5. Life information and service through out the world. Religious groups, youth groups, humanitarian groups, missionary work, construction, schools, water, families, disasters and crisis recovery.

6. Community Service-We support many people doing service and activities with senior citizens, youth groups, schools, PTA’s, Individuals and families in need.

2023 Board of Directors

TLCD Foundation Inc doing business as Live 168 Foundation since 2023

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